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Browning Citori 725 Pro Sporting w/ Pro Fit Adjustable Comb Over & Under Shotgun

Keep it professional. Sporting Clays can really mess with your head. That’s one good reason to do what the pros do. In this case we are talking about the Browning Pro Fit system. The 725 Pro Sporting has robust stability and pointability. The kind that the guys at the top of the game demand. Citori 725 Pro shotguns carry performance based features in high demand by competitive shooters, including an adjustable comb piece, ported barrels, extended choke tubes

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Oil finish Grade III/IV walnut, gold engraving, Invector-DS extended chokes, HiViz Pro-Comp sight and ivory mid-bead, ported barrels, low-profile receiver.

Keep it professional. Sporting Clays can really mess with your head. That’s one good reason to do what the pros do. In this case we are talking about the Browning Pro Fit system. The 725 Pro Sporting has robust stability and pointability. The kind that the guys at the top of the game demand. Citori 725 Pro shotguns carry performance based features in high demand by competitive shooters, including an adjustable comb piece, ported barrels, extended choke tubes

Pro Fit and Pro Balance — the big differences. The Pro Balance system allows shooters to customize the balance of their gun through the use of an adjustable weight system in the stock. The adjustable comb on this 725 is one of the fastest and surest ways to improve your shooting performance. Don’t hesitate. Go see one of these today. Before another springing teal leaves the area untouched.